Landry is doing great at home so far. He is just such a good baby, I can't even believe it. He is so happy!! I would be too if I was finally out of the hospital and not being poked and prodded every day! We had a follow up appointment with his surgeon on Wednesday. She is setting up an appointment for us to see the pediatric gastroenterologist next time she comes over from Seattle. It won't be for a few months and if Landry is doing well we won't need to see her at all. Landry is schedule for an upper gi barium dye test again at the end of the month. The surgeon wants to see what his intestines look like when he is doing good. Having both at home hasn't been as hectic as I thought it would be and Cade has been a real trooper adjusting to having to share his mommy and daddy. He brings Landry his blankets and paci's when I am nursing him and even brings me my water bottle! Such a helper...of course, don't think he won't take a swipe at Landry's head when he has had enough either! One day he will be in for a big surprise when Landry pops him back!

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